Vintage Rolex Passion HTE Meeting Maastricht NL

The evening was for the lecture of Jamling Tenzing Norgay and Peter Hillary.
And a lot of fun and party. HTE Part 2 with pictures and text by Bernhard.

First a drink…Legendary Mr. George Band, Mt Everest 1953 Expedition Member.

The theatre of the location in downtown Maastricht where the HIlalry Tenzing lecture would take place

The royal balcony 🙂

Ready for the talk

What amazing lectures about passion, friendship and determination!!!
I was soooo impressed!

On top of the world.. with the IMAX team:

After a short break Mr. Hillary gave a great lecture!
Amazing stories!!! What a life it must be…

With meet and greet after …

And more great drinks and fun!

As a guest… i found it a vgery, very special event.
I was soooooo impressed by the stories of those people. By what they achived.. but also about their statements about life on friday night.

Fantastic event Philipp.
Great job.

As i said…. there are a lot of people doing the ‘talk the talk’…. but it’s about the ‘walk’ part… which makes things special.


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